Title: Equipment Inspector Refresher (PPE) Course.�Description: Review and development of skills required to detect faults in PPE and to determine remedial action. �Duration: 16 hours over 2 days.�Prerequisites: PPE Inspectors Certification.�Verification: Statement of Attainment PUAEQU001. Can also apply for a Petzl PPE Inspectors certification.�Recommended Refresher: After every 2 years�Trainer to Participant Ratio: 1:5.�Minimum Class Size: 5�Maximum Class Size: 12�Price Structure: Per participant, group bookings available.�Payment: Payment required prior to course date.�Excludes: Travel costs, off site venue hire and equipment hire.�Location: THS Training Centres�Includes plastic photo ID card.�Excludes Petzl PPE Inspector Certification.�VAX014 Petzl PPE Inspector 2019
Duration:: 2 Days