Title: Fell Small Trees Refresher�Description: This course is designed to refresh the skills and verify the competency of persons felling small trees in low risk environments. Persons attending this refresher course must have already completed the full Nationally Recognised course. Written evidence of this training will be required before persons can be booked on the refresher course. The evidence must clearly show the course code AHCMOM213 or its equivalent.�Duration: 8 hours over 1 days.�Prerequisites: �AHCPCM205�A Fell Small trees and FWPCOT2274 Fall Trees Manually (Basic)�or THS module in Fell trees or Contractor�Verification: Nationally Accredited.�Recommended Refresher: Every 3 years or as required by the regulator.�Assessment method: Theory and practical.�Instructor to Student Ratio: 1 Trainer to 4 participants.�Minimum Class Size: 4�Maximum Class Size: 8�Price structure: Per participant, group bookings available.�Included: Photo Card Certification.�FWPCOT2236 Fall trees manually (basic)
Duration:: 8 Hours